Sick and Seeking

E5 S2 | Movement Teacher Amber Ryan of The 360 Emergence Shares the Shifts That Happen When Practicing Embodied Movement, and How Dance Can Assist with Moving People Away from Numbness and Back into Connection With Their Body

Amber Ryan Season 2 Episode 5

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On this episode I speak with movement teacher and mentor Amber Ryan, co-founder of The 360 Emergence, an embodiment, free-form, spirit-driven movement practice.

“And numbing is also one of those vibrations that the movement practice can help assist moving people away from. Because numbing comes in for different reasons, whether it's we're stuffing something down, or I just can't even anymore. I've gone on overload. It's too much. Lots of different reasons for how numbing can come in… And so through the movement practice, we can start to warm that freeze, or we can start to draw and bring people back into the body.” - Amber Ryan


  • Energy can become stagnant in the body and movement can shift the energy into flow and vitality
  • Using breathe as a way for people to come into better presence and awareness with themselves
  • How Gabrielle Wroth’s 5 Rhythms ecstatic dance method helped Amber re-pattern into healthier ways in support of her body 
  • The powerful changes that can happen from a full, deep breath into the body
  • The shift that can happen when participating in embodied movement: feeling freer, awake, connected to life’s goodness, lighter, additional vitality, greater sense of aliveness, rejuvenated, tension and stress release, surrender and letting go 
  • How dance gives space for people to be in the raw, real expression of emotion and allows this energy to move 
  • Movement can provide a sense of support and community for those experiencing illness or chronic pain
  • Tears and crying as a healing release that softens us 
  • Numbing in the body and how through a movement practice, the body can warm that freeze and draw people back into their body

Connect with Amber:
Website | Instagram | Facebook


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    • Tuesday, 8:30am PT in South Pasadena, CA
    • Wednesdays, 6:00pm PT in San Marino, CA
  • Virtual/ ZOOM
    • Thursdays, 5:30pm PT on ZOOM

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--> For people who are managing a long term health issue
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